Complete unburdening

Thanks to the combination of trade, storage and transport, we can offer you a total package, supported by a team of experienced employees.

Personal contact

We work with a small team, which means that the lines within our company are short. The customer is therefore always our number one priority.

Years of experience

Founded in 1989, we have gained a lot of experience and wisdom in the market of cement, ship transport and mixing installations for infrastructural works.

Meet MobiGroep

MobiGroep BV started in 1989 as a shipping company. This is also the reason why we ended up in the trade of ships. At the end of the 1990s, we added the trade in silos and machines for the cement and concrete world.

25 Cement
31 Mobile silos
for rent
13000 Vessel Capacity
in tons

Photo Gallery



Postal address

Paltrokmolen 41
3352XE Papendrecht

Visiting address:
Ketelweg 33c
3356LD Papendrecht


General: +31(0)78 6166730

Administration: +31(0)78 8430144

Mobile: +31 (0)6 53145530

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